Wt examples  4.10.4
Class Hierarchy

Go to the graphical class hierarchy

This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345678]
 CGit::ObjectIdGit object Id
 CAttachmentAn email attachment
 CChartConfig::AxisControlStruct that holds the controls for one axis
 CChatEventEncapsulate a chat event
 CGitModel::ChildIndexIndex usable as a key to a map, that identifies a child/row within a tree
 CSimpleChatWidgetA self-contained chat widget
 CPopupChatWidgetA popup chat widget
 CContactAn email contact
 CGitGit utility class for browsing git archives
 CGit::ObjectGit object
 CWt::Core::observable [external]
 CWt::WObject [external]
 CPopupA JavaScript based popup window, encapsulating the Javascript functions alert(), confirm(), and prompt()
 CWt::WAbstractItemModel [external]
 CGitModelA model that retrieves revision trees from a git repository
 CWt::WStandardItemModel [external]
 CFileModelA specialized standard item model which report a specific drag and drop mime type
 CWt::WApplication [external]
 CChatApplicationA chat demo application
 CChatWidgetA chat application widget
 CGitViewApplicationA simple application to navigate a git repository
 CJavascriptExampleAn example showing how to interact custom JavaScript with Wt stuff
 CTreeViewDragDropMain application class
 CWt::WWidget [external]
 CWt::WCompositeWidget [external]
 CComposerAn E-mail composer widget
 CIconPairAn icon pair (identical to WIconPair)
 CTreeNodeExample implementation of a single tree list node
 CWt::WAbstractItemView [external]
 CWt::WTreeView [external]
 CWt::WPopupWidget [external]
 CWt::WDialog [external]
 CWt::WSuggestionPopup [external]
 CWt::WTreeNode [external]
 CWt::WTreeTableNode [external]
 CWt::WTreeTable [external]
 CFileTreeTableA tree table that displays a file tree
 CWt::WWebWidget [external]
 CWt::WInteractWidget [external]
 CWt::WContainerWidget [external]
 CWt::WFormWidget [external]
 CWt::WPaintedWidget [external]
 CWt::WTable [external]
 CWt::WText [external]
 CWt::WViewWidget [external]
 CSourceViewView class for source code
 CGit::ExceptionException class
 CChartConfig::SeriesControlStruct that holds the controls for one series
 CSimpleChatServerA simple chat server
 CGitModel::TreeUsed to uniquely locate a folder within the folder hierarchy
 CWt::WStandardItem [external]
 CFileItemWStandardItem which stores a file