Binary packages for Visual Studio

  • Posted by wim
  • Monday, October 21, 2013 @ 11:06

Installing a basic Wt on Windows is not too difficult, since the only required dependency for Wt is boost. Our wiki contains instructions for building Wt, that get you started with cmake, help you to build boost, and Wt. However, that is still a lot of work if you simply want to run the examples, or write a small test program with Wt.

Building Wt with all its dependencies (zlib, ssl, database connectors, pdf generation support, image libraries, …) on windows is however all but trivial, since there is no generally accepted package manager for Windows, which means that you have to manually search, download and build all dependencies, and their dependencies, and their dependencies… We can only hope that nuget becomes successful as package manager for C++ on Windows.

Quite some time ago, Pau has started the development of winstng, a winst (witty installer) clone, which also supports Windows. We have recently worked together to refine winstng, and are proud to announce the first publicly available SDK for Wt 3.3.1, with debug and release builds for MSVS 2010 and MSVS 2012. These installers are entirely built with winstng, using a bat file that downloads the part of the Internet that is required to build Wt, and then builds it.

Please test these SDKs. Since they are the first release, we surely missed some things, and we’d be glad to fix them.

One often-requested features that we want to add soon is support for MinGW.

  • Posted by anonymous
  • 10 years ago
Thank you for the MSVS SDK packages.
Looking forward for a version with ISAPI.
  • Posted by wim
  • 10 years ago
Indeed it's missing. The isapi has to be a static library, and it's disabled when building shared libraries. I added a ticket to the winstng assembla project.
  • Posted by anonymous
  • 10 years ago
What's the link to download the SDK please ?
  • Posted by wim
  • 10 years ago
Good point, I added the link.
  • Posted by anonymous
  • 10 years ago
It's available from the SourceForge project page:
Please note that those builds have a number of known issues. I'm about to complete a new build that solves most of them.
  • Posted by pgquiles
  • 10 years ago
That second 'anonymous' was me
  • Posted by pgquiles
  • 10 years ago
Support for Visual Studio 2013 is also coming soon (as in: compiling)
Patches for other features welcome, see the Tickets!
  • Posted by anonymous
  • 9 years ago
Is Visual Studio 2013 support available yet?
Also Visual Studio 2015 is coming soon.
  • Posted by anonymous
  • 9 years ago
It is available on sourceforge, at least for 3.3.4 version.

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