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Wt::WBatchEditProxyModel Class Reference

A proxy model for Wt's item models that provides batch editing. More...

#include <Wt/WBatchEditProxyModel.h>

Inheritance diagram for Wt::WBatchEditProxyModel:

Public Member Functions

 WBatchEditProxyModel ()
virtual ~WBatchEditProxyModel ()
bool isDirty () const
 Returns whether changes have not yet been committed. More...
void commitAll ()
 Commits changes. More...
void revertAll ()
 Reverts changes. More...
void setNewRowData (int column, const cpp17::any &data, ItemDataRole role=ItemDataRole::Display)
 Sets default data for a newly inserted row. More...
void setNewRowFlags (int column, WFlags< ItemFlag > flags)
 Sets the item flags for items in a newly inserted row. More...
void setDirtyIndication (ItemDataRole role, const cpp17::any &data)
 Configures data used to indicate a modified item. More...
virtual WModelIndex mapFromSource (const WModelIndex &sourceIndex) const override
 Maps a source model index to the proxy model. More...
virtual WModelIndex mapToSource (const WModelIndex &proxyIndex) const override
 Maps a proxy model index to the source model. More...
virtual void setSourceModel (const std::shared_ptr< WAbstractItemModel > &sourceModel) override
 Sets the source model. More...
virtual int columnCount (const WModelIndex &parent=WModelIndex()) const override
 Returns the number of columns. More...
virtual int rowCount (const WModelIndex &parent=WModelIndex()) const override
 Returns the number of rows. More...
virtual WModelIndex parent (const WModelIndex &index) const override
 Returns the parent for a model index. More...
virtual WModelIndex index (int row, int column, const WModelIndex &parent=WModelIndex()) const override
 Returns the child index for the given row and column. More...
virtual cpp17::any data (const WModelIndex &index, ItemDataRole role=ItemDataRole::Display) const override
 Returns the data at a specific model index. More...
virtual bool setData (const WModelIndex &index, const cpp17::any &value, ItemDataRole role=ItemDataRole::Edit) override
 Sets item data. More...
virtual WFlags< ItemFlagflags (const WModelIndex &index) const override
 Returns the flags for an item. More...
virtual cpp17::any headerData (int section, Orientation orientation=Orientation::Horizontal, ItemDataRole role=ItemDataRole::Display) const override
 Returns the row or column header data. More...
virtual bool insertRows (int row, int count, const WModelIndex &parent=WModelIndex()) override
 Inserts one or more rows. More...
virtual bool removeRows (int row, int count, const WModelIndex &parent=WModelIndex()) override
 Removes rows. More...
virtual bool insertColumns (int column, int count, const WModelIndex &parent=WModelIndex()) override
 Inserts one or more columns. More...
virtual bool removeColumns (int column, int count, const WModelIndex &parent=WModelIndex()) override
 Removes columns. More...
virtual void sort (int column, SortOrder order=SortOrder::Ascending) override
 Sorts the model according to a particular column. More...
virtual bool setData (const WModelIndex &index, const cpp17::any &value, ItemDataRole role=ItemDataRole::Edit)
 Sets data at the given model index. More...
bool setData (int row, int column, const cpp17::any &value, ItemDataRole role=ItemDataRole::Edit, const WModelIndex &parent=WModelIndex())
 Sets data at the given row and column. More...
virtual cpp17::any data (const WModelIndex &index, ItemDataRole role=ItemDataRole::Display) const=0
 Returns data at a specified model index for the given role. More...
cpp17::any data (int row, int column, ItemDataRole role=ItemDataRole::Display, const WModelIndex &parent=WModelIndex()) const
 Returns the data item at the given column and row. More...
virtual bool setHeaderData (int section, Orientation orientation, const cpp17::any &value, ItemDataRole role=ItemDataRole::Edit)
 Sets header data for a column or row. More...
bool setHeaderData (int section, const cpp17::any &value)
 Sets column header data. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Wt::WAbstractProxyModel
 WAbstractProxyModel ()
std::shared_ptr< WAbstractItemModelsourceModel () const
 Returns the source model. More...
virtual bool setItemData (const WModelIndex &index, const DataMap &values) override
 Sets the data at the given model index. More...
virtual WFlags< HeaderFlagheaderFlags (int section, Orientation orientation=Orientation::Horizontal) const override
 Returns the flags for a header. More...
virtual std::string mimeType () const override
 Returns a mime-type for dragging a set of indexes. More...
virtual std::vector< std::string > acceptDropMimeTypes () const override
 Returns a list of mime-types that could be accepted for a drop event. More...
virtual void dropEvent (const WDropEvent &e, DropAction action, int row, int column, const WModelIndex &parent) override
 Handles a drop event. More...
virtual void * toRawIndex (const WModelIndex &index) const override
 Converts a model index to a raw pointer that remains valid while the model's layout is changed. More...
virtual WModelIndex fromRawIndex (void *rawIndex) const override
 Converts a raw pointer to a model index. More...
virtual bool setData (const WModelIndex &index, const cpp17::any &value, ItemDataRole role=ItemDataRole::Edit)
 Sets data at the given model index. More...
bool setData (int row, int column, const cpp17::any &value, ItemDataRole role=ItemDataRole::Edit, const WModelIndex &parent=WModelIndex())
 Sets data at the given row and column. More...
virtual cpp17::any data (const WModelIndex &index, ItemDataRole role=ItemDataRole::Display) const=0
 Returns data at a specified model index for the given role. More...
cpp17::any data (int row, int column, ItemDataRole role=ItemDataRole::Display, const WModelIndex &parent=WModelIndex()) const
 Returns the data item at the given column and row. More...
virtual bool setHeaderData (int section, Orientation orientation, const cpp17::any &value, ItemDataRole role=ItemDataRole::Edit)
 Sets header data for a column or row. More...
bool setHeaderData (int section, const cpp17::any &value)
 Sets column header data. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Wt::WAbstractItemModel
 WAbstractItemModel ()
 Creates a new data model.
virtual bool hasChildren (const WModelIndex &index) const
 Returns if there are children at an index. More...
virtual DataMap itemData (const WModelIndex &index) const
 Returns all data at a specific index. More...
virtual WModelIndexList match (const WModelIndex &start, ItemDataRole role, const cpp17::any &value, int hits=-1, WFlags< MatchFlag > flags=WFlags< MatchFlag >(MatchFlag::StartsWith|MatchFlag::Wrap)) const
 Returns an index list for data items that match. More...
cpp17::any data (int row, int column, ItemDataRole role=ItemDataRole::Display, const WModelIndex &parent=WModelIndex()) const
 Returns the data item at the given column and row. More...
virtual bool hasIndex (int row, int column, const WModelIndex &parent=WModelIndex()) const
 Returns if an index at the given position is valid (i.e. falls within the column-row bounds). More...
virtual bool setHeaderData (int section, Orientation orientation, const cpp17::any &value, ItemDataRole role=ItemDataRole::Edit)
 Sets header data for a column or row. More...
bool setHeaderData (int section, const cpp17::any &value)
 Sets column header data. More...
virtual void expandColumn (int column)
 Expands a column. More...
virtual void collapseColumn (int column)
 Collapses a column. More...
virtual void dropEvent (const WDropEvent &e, DropAction action, const WModelIndex &index, Wt::Side side)
 Handles a drop event. More...
bool insertColumn (int column, const WModelIndex &parent=WModelIndex())
 Inserts one column. More...
bool insertRow (int row, const WModelIndex &parent=WModelIndex())
 Inserts one row. More...
bool removeColumn (int column, const WModelIndex &parent=WModelIndex())
 Removes one column. More...
bool removeRow (int row, const WModelIndex &parent=WModelIndex())
 Removes one row. More...
bool setData (int row, int column, const cpp17::any &value, ItemDataRole role=ItemDataRole::Edit, const WModelIndex &parent=WModelIndex())
 Sets data at the given row and column. More...
virtual Signal< WModelIndex, int, int > & columnsAboutToBeInserted ()
 Signal emitted before a number of columns will be inserted. More...
virtual Signal< WModelIndex, int, int > & columnsAboutToBeRemoved ()
 Signal emitted before a number of columns will be removed. More...
virtual Signal< WModelIndex, int, int > & columnsInserted ()
 Signal emitted after a number of columns were inserted. More...
virtual Signal< WModelIndex, int, int > & columnsRemoved ()
 Signal emitted after a number of columns were removed. More...
virtual Signal< WModelIndex, int, int > & rowsAboutToBeInserted ()
 Signal emitted before a number of rows will be inserted. More...
virtual Signal< WModelIndex, int, int > & rowsAboutToBeRemoved ()
 Signal emitted before a number of rows will be removed. More...
virtual Signal< WModelIndex, int, int > & rowsInserted ()
 Signal emitted after a number of rows were inserted. More...
virtual Signal< WModelIndex, int, int > & rowsRemoved ()
 Signal emitted after a number of rows were removed. More...
virtual Signal< WModelIndex, WModelIndex > & dataChanged ()
 Signal emitted when some data was changed. More...
virtual Signal< Orientation, int, int > & headerDataChanged ()
 Signal emitted when some header data was changed. More...
virtual SignallayoutAboutToBeChanged ()
 Signal emitted when the layout is about to be changed. More...
virtual SignallayoutChanged ()
 Signal emitted when the layout is changed. More...
virtual SignalmodelReset ()
 Signal emitted when the model was reset. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Wt::WObject
void addChild (std::unique_ptr< WObject > child)
 Add a child WObject whose lifetime is determined by this WObject.
template<typename Child >
Child * addChild (std::unique_ptr< Child > child)
 Add a child WObject, returning a raw pointer. More...
std::unique_ptr< WObjectremoveChild (WObject *child)
 Remove a child WObject, so its lifetime is no longer determined by this WObject.
template<typename Child >
std::unique_ptr< Child > removeChild (Child *child)
 Remove a child WObject, so its lifetime is no longer determined by this WObject. More...
virtual const std::string id () const
 Returns the (unique) identifier for this object. More...
virtual void setObjectName (const std::string &name)
 Sets an object name. More...
virtual std::string objectName () const
 Returns the object name. More...
void resetLearnedSlots ()
 Resets learned stateless slot implementations. More...
template<class T >
void resetLearnedSlot (void(T::*method)())
 Resets a learned stateless slot implementation. More...
template<class T >
WStatelessSlot * implementStateless (void(T::*method)())
 Declares a slot to be stateless and learn client-side behaviour on first invocation. More...
template<class T >
WStatelessSlot * implementStateless (void(T::*method)(), void(T::*undoMethod)())
 Declares a slot to be stateless and learn client-side behaviour in advance. More...
void isNotStateless ()
 Marks the current function as not stateless. More...
template<class T >
WStatelessSlot * implementJavaScript (void(T::*method)(), const std::string &jsCode)
 Provides a JavaScript implementation for a method. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Wt::Core::observable
 observable () noexcept
 Default constructor.
virtual ~observable ()
 Destructor. More...
template<typename... Args, typename C >
auto bindSafe (void(C::*method)(Args...)) noexcept
 Protects a method call against object destruction. More...
template<typename... Args, typename C >
auto bindSafe (void(C::*method)(Args...) const) const noexcept
 Protects a const method call against object destruction. More...
template<typename Function >
auto bindSafe (const Function &function) noexcept
 Protects a function against object destruction. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from Wt::WAbstractItemModel
typedef std::map< ItemDataRole, cpp17::any > DataMap
 Data map. More...
- Public Types inherited from Wt::WObject
typedef void(WObject::* Method) ()
 Typedef for a WObject method without arguments.
- Protected Types inherited from Wt::WAbstractProxyModel
typedef std::map< WModelIndex, BaseItem * > ItemMap
 A map for items. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Wt::WAbstractProxyModel
WModelIndex createSourceIndex (int row, int column, void *ptr) const
 Create a source model index. More...
void startShiftModelIndexes (const WModelIndex &sourceParent, int start, int count, ItemMap &items)
 Utility methods to shift items in an item map. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Wt::WAbstractItemModel
void reset ()
 Resets the model and invalidate any data. More...
WModelIndex createIndex (int row, int column, void *ptr) const
 Creates a model index for the given row and column. More...
WModelIndex createIndex (int row, int column, ::uint64_t id) const
 Creates a model index for the given row and column. More...
void beginInsertColumns (const WModelIndex &parent, int first, int last)
 Method to be called before inserting columns. More...
void beginInsertRows (const WModelIndex &parent, int first, int last)
 Method to be called before inserting rows. More...
void beginRemoveColumns (const WModelIndex &parent, int first, int last)
 Method to be called before removing columns. More...
void beginRemoveRows (const WModelIndex &parent, int first, int last)
 Method to be called before removing rows. More...
void endInsertColumns ()
 Method to be called after inserting columns. More...
void endInsertRows ()
 Method to be called after inserting rows. More...
void endRemoveColumns ()
 Method to be called after removing columns. More...
void endRemoveRows ()
 Method to be called after removing rows. More...
virtual void copyData (const WModelIndex &sIndex, const WModelIndex &dIndex)
 Copy data to an index in this model. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Wt::WObject
virtual WStatelessSlot * getStateless (Method method)
 On-demand stateless slot implementation. More...

Detailed Description

A proxy model for Wt's item models that provides batch editing.

This proxy model presents data from a source model, and caches any editing operation without affecting the underlying source model, until commitAll() or revertAll() is called. In this way, you can commit all the editing in batch to the underlying source model, only when the user confirms the changes.

All editing operations are supported:

The model supports both simple tabular models, as well as hierarchical (tree-like / treetable-like) models, with children under items in the first column.

Default values for a newly inserted row can be set using setNewRowData() and flags for its items using setNewRowFlags().

Member Function Documentation

◆ columnCount()

int Wt::WBatchEditProxyModel::columnCount ( const WModelIndex parent = WModelIndex()) const

Returns the number of columns.

This returns the number of columns at index parent.

See also

Implements Wt::WAbstractItemModel.

◆ commitAll()

void Wt::WBatchEditProxyModel::commitAll ( )

Commits changes.

This commits all changes to the source model.

See also

◆ data() [1/3]

cpp17::any Wt::WBatchEditProxyModel::data ( const WModelIndex index,
ItemDataRole  role = ItemDataRole::Display 
) const

Returns the data at a specific model index.

The default proxy implementation translates the index to the source model, and calls sourceModel()->data() with this index.

Reimplemented from Wt::WAbstractProxyModel.

◆ data() [2/3]

virtual cpp17::any Wt::WAbstractItemModel::data

Returns data at a specified model index for the given role.

You should check the role to decide what data to return. Usually a View class will ask for data for several roles which affect not only the contents (Wt::ItemDataRole::Display) but also icons (Wt::ItemDataRole::Decoration), URLs (Wt::ItemDataRole::Link), and other visual aspects. If your item does not specify data for a particular role, it should simply return a Wt::cpp17::any().

See also
flags(), headerData(), setData()

◆ data() [3/3]

cpp17::any Wt::WAbstractItemModel::data

Returns the data item at the given column and row.

This is a convenience method, and is equivalent to:

index(row, column, parent).data(role)
virtual WModelIndex index(int row, int column, const WModelIndex &parent=WModelIndex()) const override
Returns the child index for the given row and column.
Definition: WBatchEditProxyModel.C:319
virtual WModelIndex parent(const WModelIndex &index) const override
Returns the parent for a model index.
Definition: WBatchEditProxyModel.C:326
cpp17::any data(ItemDataRole role=ItemDataRole::Display) const
Returns data in the model at this index.
Definition: WModelIndex.C:44
See also
index(), data()

◆ flags()

WFlags< ItemFlag > Wt::WBatchEditProxyModel::flags ( const WModelIndex index) const

Returns the flags for an item.

The default proxy implementation calls sourceModel()->flags(mapToSource(index))

Reimplemented from Wt::WAbstractProxyModel.

◆ headerData()

cpp17::any Wt::WBatchEditProxyModel::headerData ( int  section,
Orientation  orientation = Orientation::Horizontal,
ItemDataRole  role = ItemDataRole::Display 
) const

Returns the row or column header data.

The default proxy implementation constructs a dummy WModelIndex with the row set to 0 and column set to section if the orientation is Wt::Orientation::Horizontal, or with the row set to section and the column set to 0 if the orientation is Wt::Orientation::Vertical.

The resulting section that is forwarded to sourceModel()->headerData() depends on how the WModelIndex is transformed with mapToSource().

Reimplemented from Wt::WAbstractProxyModel.

◆ index()

WModelIndex Wt::WBatchEditProxyModel::index ( int  row,
int  column,
const WModelIndex parent = WModelIndex() 
) const

Returns the child index for the given row and column.

When implementing this method, you can use createIndex() to create an index that corresponds to the item at row and column within parent.

If the location is invalid (out of bounds at the parent), then an invalid index must be returned.

See also

Implements Wt::WAbstractItemModel.

◆ insertColumns()

bool Wt::WBatchEditProxyModel::insertColumns ( int  column,
int  count,
const WModelIndex parent = WModelIndex() 

Inserts one or more columns.

The default proxy implementation calls sourceModel()->insertColumns(column, count, parent)

Reimplemented from Wt::WAbstractProxyModel.

◆ insertRows()

bool Wt::WBatchEditProxyModel::insertRows ( int  row,
int  count,
const WModelIndex parent = WModelIndex() 

Inserts one or more rows.

In models that support row insertion, this inserts count rows, starting at row, and returns true if the operation was successful. The new rows are inserted under parent.

If parent had no children, then a single column is added with count rows.

The default implementation returns false.

The model implementation must call beginInsertRows() and endInsertRows() before and after the operation whenever its geometry is changed by inserting rows. This emits signals for views to properly react to these changes.

See also
insertColumns(), removeRows(), beginInsertRows(), endInsertRows()

Reimplemented from Wt::WAbstractItemModel.

◆ isDirty()

bool Wt::WBatchEditProxyModel::isDirty ( ) const

Returns whether changes have not yet been committed.

Returns whether have been made to the proxy model, which could be committed using commitAll() or reverted using revertAll().

◆ mapFromSource()

WModelIndex Wt::WBatchEditProxyModel::mapFromSource ( const WModelIndex sourceIndex) const

Maps a source model index to the proxy model.

This method returns a model index in the proxy model that corresponds to the model index sourceIndex in the source model. This method must only be implemented for source model indexes that are mapped and thus are the result of mapToSource().

See also

Implements Wt::WAbstractProxyModel.

◆ mapToSource()

WModelIndex Wt::WBatchEditProxyModel::mapToSource ( const WModelIndex proxyIndex) const

Maps a proxy model index to the source model.

This method returns a model index in the source model that corresponds to the proxy model index proxyIndex.

See also

Implements Wt::WAbstractProxyModel.

◆ parent()

WModelIndex Wt::WBatchEditProxyModel::parent ( const WModelIndex index) const

Returns the parent for a model index.

An implementation should use createIndex() to create a model index that corresponds to the parent of a given index.

Note that the index itself may be stale (referencing a row/column within the parent that is outside the model geometry), but its parent (identified by the WModelIndex::internalPointer()) is referencing an existing parent. A stale index can only be used while the model geometry is being updated, i.e. during the emission of the corresponding [rows/columns](Being)[Removed/Inserted]() signals.

See also

Implements Wt::WAbstractItemModel.

◆ removeColumns()

bool Wt::WBatchEditProxyModel::removeColumns ( int  column,
int  count,
const WModelIndex parent = WModelIndex() 

Removes columns.

The default proxy implementation calls sourceModel()->removeColumns(column, count, parent)

Reimplemented from Wt::WAbstractProxyModel.

◆ removeRows()

bool Wt::WBatchEditProxyModel::removeRows ( int  row,
int  count,
const WModelIndex parent = WModelIndex() 

Removes rows.

Returns true if the operation was successful.

The default implementation returns false.

The model implementation must call beginRemoveRows() and endRemoveRows() before and after the operation whenever its geometry is changed by removing rows. This emits signals for views to properly react to these changes.

See also
removeColumns(), insertRows(), beginRemoveRows(), endRemoveRows()

Reimplemented from Wt::WAbstractItemModel.

◆ revertAll()

void Wt::WBatchEditProxyModel::revertAll ( )

Reverts changes.

This reverts all changes.

See also

◆ rowCount()

int Wt::WBatchEditProxyModel::rowCount ( const WModelIndex parent = WModelIndex()) const

Returns the number of rows.

This returns the number of rows at index parent.

See also

Implements Wt::WAbstractItemModel.

◆ setData() [1/3]

virtual bool Wt::WAbstractItemModel::setData

Sets data at the given model index.

Returns true if the operation was successful.

The default implementation returns false.

The model implementation must emit the dataChanged() signal after data was changed.

See also

◆ setData() [2/3]

bool Wt::WBatchEditProxyModel::setData ( const WModelIndex index,
const cpp17::any &  value,
ItemDataRole  role = ItemDataRole::Edit 

Sets item data.

The default implementation will copy Wt::ItemDataRole::Edit data to Wt::ItemDataRole::Display. You may want to specialize the model to provide a more specialized editing behaviour.

Reimplemented from Wt::WAbstractProxyModel.

◆ setData() [3/3]

bool Wt::WAbstractItemModel::setData

Sets data at the given row and column.

This is a convience method, and is equivalent to:

setData(index(row, column, parent), value, role);
virtual bool setData(const WModelIndex &index, const cpp17::any &value, ItemDataRole role=ItemDataRole::Edit)
Sets data at the given model index.

Returns true if the operation was successful.

See also
setData(), index()

◆ setDirtyIndication()

void Wt::WBatchEditProxyModel::setDirtyIndication ( ItemDataRole  role,
const cpp17::any &  data 

Configures data used to indicate a modified item.

This sets data for item data role role to be returned by data() for an item that is dirty (e.g. because it belongs to a newly inserted row/column, or because new data has been set for it.

When role is Wt::ItemDataRole::StyleClass, the style class is appended to any style already returned by the source model or set by setNewRowData().

By default there is no dirty indication.

◆ setHeaderData() [1/2]

bool Wt::WAbstractItemModel::setHeaderData

Sets column header data.

Returns true if the operation was successful.

See also
setHeaderData(int, Orientation, const cpp17::any&, int)

◆ setHeaderData() [2/2]

virtual bool Wt::WAbstractItemModel::setHeaderData

Sets header data for a column or row.

Returns true if the operation was successful.

See also

◆ setNewRowData()

void Wt::WBatchEditProxyModel::setNewRowData ( int  column,
const cpp17::any &  data,
ItemDataRole  role = ItemDataRole::Display 

Sets default data for a newly inserted row.

You can use this method to initialize data for a newly inserted row.

◆ setNewRowFlags()

void Wt::WBatchEditProxyModel::setNewRowFlags ( int  column,
WFlags< ItemFlag flags 

Sets the item flags for items in a newly inserted row.

By default, flags() will return ItemFlag::Selectable.

◆ setSourceModel()

void Wt::WBatchEditProxyModel::setSourceModel ( const std::shared_ptr< WAbstractItemModel > &  sourceModel)

Sets the source model.

The source model provides the actual data for the proxy model.

Ownership of the source model is not transferred.

All signals of the source model are propagated to the proxy model.

Reimplemented from Wt::WAbstractProxyModel.

◆ sort()

void Wt::WBatchEditProxyModel::sort ( int  column,
SortOrder  order = SortOrder::Ascending 

Sorts the model according to a particular column.

If the model supports sorting, then it should emit the layoutAboutToBeChanged() signal, rearrange its items, and afterwards emit the layoutChanged() signal.

See also
layoutAboutToBeChanged(), layoutChanged()

Reimplemented from Wt::WAbstractItemModel.