This is the complete list of members for Wt::WTime, including all inherited members.
addMSecs(int ms) const | Wt::WTime | |
addSecs(int s) const | Wt::WTime | |
currentServerTime() | Wt::WTime | static |
currentTime() | Wt::WTime | static |
fromString(const WString &s) | Wt::WTime | static |
fromString(const WString &s, const WString &format) | Wt::WTime | static |
hour() const | Wt::WTime | |
isNull() const | Wt::WTime | |
isValid() const | Wt::WTime | |
minute() const | Wt::WTime | |
msec() const | Wt::WTime | |
msecsTo(const WTime &t) const | Wt::WTime | |
operator!=(const WTime &other) const | Wt::WTime | |
operator<(const WTime &other) const | Wt::WTime | |
operator<=(const WTime &other) const | Wt::WTime | |
operator==(const WTime &other) const | Wt::WTime | |
operator>(const WTime &other) const | Wt::WTime | |
operator>=(const WTime &other) const | Wt::WTime | |
second() const | Wt::WTime | |
secsTo(const WTime &t) const | Wt::WTime | |
setHMS(int h, int m, int s, int ms=0) | Wt::WTime | |
toString() const | Wt::WTime | |
toString(const WString &format) const | Wt::WTime | |
WTime() | Wt::WTime | |
WTime(int h, int m, int s=0, int ms=0) | Wt::WTime |