Class WebGLUtils


public class WebGLUtils extends Object
  • Constructor Summary

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static javax.vecmath.GVector
    add(javax.vecmath.GVector v1, javax.vecmath.GVector v2)
    static javax.vecmath.GVector
    cross(javax.vecmath.GVector v1, javax.vecmath.GVector v2)
    static void
    frustum(javax.vecmath.Matrix4f M, double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double near, double far)
    Construct a perspective projection matrix This function constructs a perspective projection where the camera is located in the origin.
    static void
    lookAt(javax.vecmath.Matrix4f T, double eyeX, double eyeY, double eyeZ, double centerX, double centerY, double centerZ, double upX, double upY, double upZ)
    Apply a transformation to position a camera (eyeX, eyeY, eyeZ) is the position of the camera.
    static javax.vecmath.GVector
    multiply(javax.vecmath.GVector v, double scalar)
    static javax.vecmath.GVector
    multiply(javax.vecmath.Matrix4f M, javax.vecmath.GVector v)
    static javax.vecmath.Matrix4f
    multiply(javax.vecmath.Matrix4f m1, javax.vecmath.Matrix4f m2)
    static ByteBuffer
    newByteBuffer(int capacity)
    static javax.vecmath.GVector
    normalize(javax.vecmath.GVector v)
    static void
    ortho(javax.vecmath.Matrix4f M, double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double nearPlane, double farPlane)
    Create an orhtographic projection matrix for use in OpenGL Create an orthographic projection matrix.
    static void
    perspective(javax.vecmath.Matrix4f M, double angle, double aspect, double nearPlane, double farPlane)
    Construct a perspective projection matrix for use in OpenGL The camera is located in the origin and look in the direction of the negative Z axis.
    static void
    renderfv(StringWriter js, ByteBuffer buffer, eu.webtoolkit.jwt.JsArrayType arrayType)
    static void
    renderfv(StringWriter js, FloatBuffer buffer, eu.webtoolkit.jwt.JsArrayType arrayType)
    static void
    renderfv(StringWriter js, javax.vecmath.Matrix3f t, eu.webtoolkit.jwt.JsArrayType arrayType)
    static void
    rotate(javax.vecmath.Matrix4f m, double angle, double x, double y, double z)
    static void
    scale(javax.vecmath.Matrix4f m, float scaling)
    static javax.vecmath.GVector
    subtract(javax.vecmath.GVector v1, javax.vecmath.GVector v2)
    static void
    translate(javax.vecmath.Matrix4f m, double x, double y, double z)
    static javax.vecmath.Matrix3f
    transpose(javax.vecmath.Matrix3f m)
    static javax.vecmath.Matrix4f
    transpose(javax.vecmath.Matrix4f m)
    static javax.vecmath.GVector
    vec4ToVec3(javax.vecmath.GVector v)

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • WebGLUtils

      public WebGLUtils()
  • Method Details

    • newByteBuffer

      public static ByteBuffer newByteBuffer(int capacity)
    • renderfv

      public static void renderfv(StringWriter js, javax.vecmath.Matrix3f t, eu.webtoolkit.jwt.JsArrayType arrayType)
    • renderfv

      public static void renderfv(StringWriter js, FloatBuffer buffer, eu.webtoolkit.jwt.JsArrayType arrayType)
    • renderfv

      public static void renderfv(StringWriter js, ByteBuffer buffer, eu.webtoolkit.jwt.JsArrayType arrayType)
    • rpdToMemResource

      public static WMemoryResource rpdToMemResource(WRasterPaintDevice rpd)
    • transpose

      public static javax.vecmath.Matrix3f transpose(javax.vecmath.Matrix3f m)
    • transpose

      public static javax.vecmath.Matrix4f transpose(javax.vecmath.Matrix4f m)
    • translate

      public static void translate(javax.vecmath.Matrix4f m, double x, double y, double z)
    • rotate

      public static void rotate(javax.vecmath.Matrix4f m, double angle, double x, double y, double z)
    • scale

      public static void scale(javax.vecmath.Matrix4f m, float scaling)
    • lookAt

      public static void lookAt(javax.vecmath.Matrix4f T, double eyeX, double eyeY, double eyeZ, double centerX, double centerY, double centerZ, double upX, double upY, double upZ)
      Apply a transformation to position a camera (eyeX, eyeY, eyeZ) is the position of the camera. The camera looks at (centerX, centerY, centerZ). (upX, upY, upZ) is a vector that is the direction of the up vector. This method applies a rotation and translation transformation to the current matrix so that the given eye becomes (0, 0, 0), the center point is on the negative Z axis, and the up vector lies in the X=0 plane, with its Y component in the positive Y axis direction. The up vector must not be parallel to the line between eye and center. The vectors will be normalized and are not required to be perpendicular. If the lookat transformation matrix is M, and the current value of the Matrix4f matrix is T, the resulting matrix after lookAt returns will be T * M.
    • frustum

      public static void frustum(javax.vecmath.Matrix4f M, double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double near, double far)
      Construct a perspective projection matrix This function constructs a perspective projection where the camera is located in the origin. The visible volume is determined by whatever that is visible when looking from the origin through the rectangular 'window' defined by the coordinates (l, b, n) and (r, t, n) (parallel to the XY plane). The zone is further delimited by the near and the far clipping planes. The perspective matrix (P) is right-multiplied with the current transformation matrix (M): M * P. Usually, you will want M to be the identity matrix when using this method.
    • ortho

      public static void ortho(javax.vecmath.Matrix4f M, double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double nearPlane, double farPlane)
      Create an orhtographic projection matrix for use in OpenGL Create an orthographic projection matrix. The given left, right, bottom, top, near and far points will be linearly mapped to the OpenGL unit cube ((1,1,1) to (-1,-1,-1)). The orthographic matrix (O) is right-multiplied with the current transformation matrix (M): M * O. Usually, you will want M to be the identity matrix when using this method.
    • perspective

      public static void perspective(javax.vecmath.Matrix4f M, double angle, double aspect, double nearPlane, double farPlane)
      Construct a perspective projection matrix for use in OpenGL The camera is located in the origin and look in the direction of the negative Z axis. Angle is the vertical view angle, in degrees. Aspect is the aspect ratio of the viewport, and near and far are the distances of the front and rear clipping plane from the camera. The perspective matrix (P) is right-multiplied with the current transformation matrix (M): M * P. Usually, you will want M to be the identity matrix when using this method.
    • subtract

      public static javax.vecmath.GVector subtract(javax.vecmath.GVector v1, javax.vecmath.GVector v2)
    • add

      public static javax.vecmath.GVector add(javax.vecmath.GVector v1, javax.vecmath.GVector v2)
    • multiply

      public static javax.vecmath.Matrix4f multiply(javax.vecmath.Matrix4f m1, javax.vecmath.Matrix4f m2)
    • multiply

      public static javax.vecmath.GVector multiply(javax.vecmath.GVector v, double scalar)
    • multiply

      public static javax.vecmath.GVector multiply(javax.vecmath.Matrix4f M, javax.vecmath.GVector v)
    • normalize

      public static javax.vecmath.GVector normalize(javax.vecmath.GVector v)
    • cross

      public static javax.vecmath.GVector cross(javax.vecmath.GVector v1, javax.vecmath.GVector v2)
    • vec4ToVec3

      public static javax.vecmath.GVector vec4ToVec3(javax.vecmath.GVector v)